Everything Is Noise is hosting an exclusive stream of II, the infectious second EP from Granada, Spain-based socio-politically inspired quintet PALMAR DE TROYA, ahead of the record’s release this Friday through long-running noise rock label Reptilian Records.
PALMAR DE TROYA formed in 2019 when a group of friends from various bands came together with the goal of producing a more personal and experimental sound; a return to their musical roots, heavily influenced by ‘90s post-hardcore, punk, and noise rock. Unifying vocalist/keyboard player Lucia (Llulaby), bassist Will, drummer Jose (Apartmentos Acapulco, Verona), and guitarists Salinas (Maine, Alondra Galopa) and Toto (Gentemayor, Hand Of Fatima, Music Komite), the band draws their name from a small city in the south of Spain where a religious sect called “Palmarianos” was formed in the 1970s. They separated from Catholicism, saying it was too soft. They have their own pope and mysterious monastery, and only the tight-lipped members really know what’s going on inside of this very dark place.
In 2019, PALMAR DE TROYA recorded a six-song EP which was released digitally in February of 2020, receiving favorable reviews from European press, webzines, radio stations, and podcasts. They were rapidly gaining fans and positive attention when the governments of the world shut everything down, crushing the plan to release the EP on vinyl and splintering the band.
Following several concerts during 2022 and 2023 in various cities such as Granada, Málaga, and Madrid, PALMAR DE TROYA recorded their second EP, II, with Rafa Camisón in Estudio 79, where drums and bass were captured, with JA Salinas overseeing the rest of the instrumentation at Borderline Music in Granada. II was mixed and mastered by Rafa Camisón at Estudio 79, the front cover image is the work of Álvaro Fernández, and the EP’s layout/design was handled by Reptilian art master Jeremy Zombie.
With the EP now streaming, guitarist Toto writes, “This second work by PALMAR DE TROYA is the result of the strong commitment of each of the members to the band. After seeing how COVID frustrated all our plans just when we released our first EP, it has been hard to almost start from scratch, but we believed that we had something special, where each of us contributes our personal vision to each song. The energy and anger for everything we have experienced in these few years, the personal and social consequences that we have experienced… all of that, we had to get it out and this is the result.”
Everything Is Noise writes with the advance stream of the record, “This band is just neat. I can’t really put my finger on what they sound like, as it all feels like a whirlwind of inspiration, but they succeed in bringing in various elements into a multi-faceted sound that pulls everything together in a clear and concise way that delivers punchy, high octane fodder for clenched fist activities, late night ragers, or destruction for destruction’s sake. For a punk act, that’s all we can ask for… The freshness of their composition is just that clear, and flat-out infectious fun.”

Reptilian Records will release II on 10″ Day-Glo Yellow Vinyl and all digital services this Friday, July 5th. Find preorders at the label webshop HERE and Bandcamp HERE, and watch the video for “Bracit” HERE.
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